Walking as Drawing

Walking as Drawing

O'Miami Festival: Miami, FL: 4.10.11

In April I traveled down to Miami to collaborate with KC Culver, professor of English at the University of Miami. We created a project that combined the Walking as Drawing project with poetry. The event was hosted at ArtSeen, a gallery in the Wynwood area as a part of the O'Miami Festival.

A group people gathered and we talked to them about the concept of the derive, which is when "one or more persons during a certain period drop their relations, their work and leisure activities, and all their other usual motives for movement and action, and let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain and the encounters they find there." (www.bopsecrets.org)


We gave them maps and let them roam for 2 hours. It was a really interesting group from a variety of backgrounds (architecture, creative writing, theory, fluxus, poetry). We had a nice discussion about the walks and what drew us to walk in certain directions (fear, hunger, shade, safety).  
We created a website for the project and published a piece of writing from each participant. Check it out here: 

When: April 9 - 1:00pm
What: Dérive Miami
Artseen, Wynwood Who: KC Culver & Billy Friebele

Info: “Under the cobblestones, the beach!” Join us for a Miamian take on the Situationist practice of the dérive. Poets and guests will drifting through Wynwood and writing poems about their experiences. Afterward, an online map of the routes taken and poems written will be created by Friebele.

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